Order - Akron Yard Cards
Johnson's Corners Preschool Fundraiser


Yard Card greetings are $125


Fill out the form below to order your awesome greeting

A portion of every order placed through this page will be donated to Johnson's Corners Preschool's fundraising program


IMPORTANT: You are receiving a quote.

When you confirm your quote it will become an order


Date of Yard Card Greeting

Your First Name

Your Last Name

Email Address


Choose Yard Card Product

Desired Yard Card Message (eg: Happy 12th Birthday Aaron, Happy Sweet 16 Megan, Cheers to 50 Years Gary, Holy Crap/Holy Cow Bob's 50, Congrats Jordan 2022 Grad, Happy 25th Anniversary, etc)



Yard Card Delivery Full Address

Street Address 





Male or Female Recipient

Recipient interests/hobbies? (Sports, Gaming, Mermaids, Cars etc)

Do YOU live at this address?

How did you hear about us?

Any additional Info we should know?

Is the home new construction or less than 10 years old?